Unit 6 – Group Discussion Guide

Hope Community Church


Sharing My Faith


  • What is the most memorable bit of advice you’ve received?  What made it memorable?

  • What determines whether or not something is valuable? Explain.

Sharing our faith can be intimidating, uncomfortable, even scary.  We don’t know what others will think  or how they may react, so often we decide to say nothing at all.  However, we must remember that everything that our friends and neighbors are counting on to bring them life, joy and happiness will ultimately disappoint them.  It is only through a relationship with Christ that they can experience forgiveness of their sins and eternal life.

Read Matthew 28:18-20

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

  • “Disciples are followers who are not only transformed to be more like Him, but are also willing to go out and tell others about Him.”  Which “part” of being a disciple do you think you tend to emphasize more?  Why do you think that is?

  • What has been your experience sharing your faith with others?  What would it take for you to feel more comfortable sharing the gospel?

  • How was the gospel shared with you?  What part of that experience encouraged you to take the step of faith to follow Christ?

Sharing the gospel requires two things:

  • Love people were they are.

  • Share your story of what God has done in your life.

Read John 9:25 (Feel free to look at all of John 9 to get the full context.)

“I don’t know whether he is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!”

  • Share a time when you heard someone share their experience and it changed your perspective.

  • Whenever you are nervous about getting drawn into a debate, remember this truth.  “No one can argue with the power of a changed life.” How was this powerful in the blind man’s “debate” with the Pharisees?

Read 1 Peter 3:15

“Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way.”

  • Unpack what it would look like to be "gentle" in sharing your faith?  How about "respectful?"  Why is this important?

  • Who in your life would you like to be able to share the gospel with?  How are you investing in that relationship?  Based on your interactions with them, do you think they believe you genuinely care about them? Why or why not?

Read 1 Corinthians 2:1-2

“When I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters, I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan. For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified.”

  • Paul was a theologian, yet he kept it simple and focused on Jesus.  Why do you think Paul chose this method over complex theological arguments?

  • If this group has never shared their stories with one another, set a date to do that in the next few weeks.  You can use the guide in the individual study, and below  to write out your stories.  Keep it to 3 minutes or less.  Break your story into three parts:

  • Before - describe your life before you decided to follow Jesus. (If you have been following Christ since you were a child - congratulations!  What a wonderful testimony!  You can share times you were uncertain, seasons of disobedience or even what you can see now that your faith shielded you from)

  • How - What led to you to follow Jesus - how did He intervene in your life?

  • Now - What is your life / purpose / perspective different now that you are wholeheartedly following Jesus?

  • Is anyone ready to share your story right now with us?

Take time in group to share any action steps you chose from your individual study or choose one below. Partner up to review how it’s going with previously chosen ones.

Next Steps:  Choose a “walk,” “jog,” or “run” step.  The walk steps are beginning steps, the jog steps intermediate, and the run steps more advanced.  For this unit, if you have never written out your story, we suggest you start there. Nothing is more powerful than being able to share your story quickly and clearly as you have conversations with others where you live, learn work or play.  It can also serve as a great way for you to reflect and praise God for the work He has done in your life!

Note:  if you are still working on “walk,” “jog,” or “run” steps from previous units, don’t feel pressured to do any of these yet! 

Sharing Your Faith Story with Others….


Write out your story (see the Individual study of Unit 6 for instructions)


Write out your story, share it and get feedback from a friend on your story.  Refine it.


Make a list of those whom you believe God has placed in your life to share the gospel with ‘as you are going (Friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, etc.), pray and share your faith story and the gospel with one person in the next 30 days.

(The instructions for the walk step above are in the individual study of Unit 6.)


Parent Action Steps - Choose one or more of  the Action Steps below based on the ages of your children.

Sharing Your Faith


Is there a parent who also has a preschooler, whom you believe God has placed in your life to share the gospel with as you are going?

Some ideas:

·      Plan a play date with them

·      Invite their family to try KidCity and Hope

·      Invite them to Mom’s Coffee Break



Is there a parent in a similar stage of life whom you believe God has placed in your life to share the gospel with as you are going?

Some ideas:

·      Plan times to get your kids together

·      Invite their family to try KidCity and Hope

·      Invite them to Mom’s Coffee Break



Is there a parent in a similar stage of life whom you believe God has placed in your life to share the gospel with as you are going?

Some ideas:

·      Invite them to lunch or coffee

·      Invite their family to try Student Ministries and Hope

·      Invite them to Mom’s Coffee Break



6 Unit 6 – Group Discussion Guide PRINT Ver