Unit 4 – Group Discussion Guide

Hope Community Church


Growing by Prayer


  • In conversations, are you more of a talker or a listener? How does this impact your relationships with others?

  • If you could see one thing change in the world, what would it be?

Prayer is not about form (what we say or how we say it); it’s not about passion (how much we “feel it” or want it) – it’s first of all about developing a growing relationship with our Father, coming into His presence.

  • What are some of the experiences you have had with prayer? How has prayer played a role in your relationship with God so far?

  • How have you seen prayer change either a situation or your perspective about a situation?

Read John 15:14-15

You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”

  • God could do everything on His own.  Why then does He want us to pray?  How does the passage above affect your answer?

  • Do you feel comfortable sharing the same sort of issues with Jesus that you do with your friends?  Why or why not?

We learned this week that there are amazing promises Jesus makes about prayer.  But Jesus teaches us several important things to remember:

Read Matthew 21:22

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

  • Why is it so important for us to pray in faith?

Read John 14:13.

“Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

  • What have you learned about praying “in Jesus’ name?”  How is it different from what you thought before this study?

Read Matthew 7:7-8 (remember the present tense means keep asking, seeking, knocking)

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

  • Is it hard for you to stay persistent in prayer? Why or why not? Have you ever seen persistent prayers be answered?  Share.

Adopting a daily quiet time is like eating healthy food and exercising.  We all know we should do it, but getting into the discipline of it can be the hard part.

It helps to remember that prayer isn’t solely about submitting our requests, it is about having a partnership, a relationship with God. 

Be creative!  Make your daiily time with God something you look forward to.  Start small and let it grow over time.

  • If you having started a quiet time, consider choosing a next step under section Two below.

Take time in group to share any next steps you chose from your individual study or choose one below. Partner up to review how it’s going with previously chosen ones. (Do not feel the need to do a new action step each week!)

Next Steps - Choose one of the two areas below and then either a “walk,” “jog,” or “run” step.  The walk steps are beginning steps, the jog steps intermediate, and the run steps more advanced.  Note:  if you are still working on “walk,” “jog,” or “run” steps from previous units, don’t feel pressured to do any of these!  Or choose a “walk” step below for now. 

1. Becoming more intentional in my prayers….


Pray a one sentence prayer from time to time throughout the day to bring God into your circumstances.


Spend some time praying through structured prayers on a regular basis - see the “Jesus’ Model Prayer” or praying through Scripture above (and in Unit 3), or see the “ACTS Model” in the “Resources” below.


Read Too Busy Not to Pray by Bill Hybels and begin a prayer/quiet time  journal.

2. Establishing a regular Quiet Time….


Give God a one minute prayer every day.


Identify a place and time you can go to meet with God, pray, and read/meditate on His Word.  Make it a habit to spend time in this place on a regular basis.  Use a Bible reading plan (see Resources)


Set aside some time to go on a spiritual retreat to be alone with God for the day.

Parent Action Steps - Choose one or more of  the Action Steps below based on the ages of your children.


Here is a simple way to teach your Preschooler how to PRAY:

1.  Thank God

“Hold up your thumb. First, we tell God how much we love Him and how thankful we are for what He does for us.”

2.  Tell God what you and others need

“Hold up your index finger. Then we can tell God what we want or need. We can ask anything we want. God might not always give us what we ask for, but He is ALWAYS listening.”

3.  I am sorry

“Next, we need to ask for forgiveness for any bad choices that we have made.”

4.  Help us do the right thing

“Then we ask God to help us do the right thing.”

5.  Amen

“The last thing that we do when we pray is to say, ‘AMEN.’ which means so be it/placing your faith in God for what you prayed.”


In Unit 2, your child started writing in a journal. Inside the front cover of your child’s journal, have them trace their hand. Your child can color their handprint if they wish, then write one of the following above each finger of the handprint:

1.   Thank God

2.   Tell God what you and others need

3.   I am sorry

4.   Help me do the right thing

5.   Amen

Say: “As you write in your journal, here is a reminder you can look at of what we are supposed to do when we pray. You can read more about how Jesus taught the disciples to pray in Matthew 6:5-13.”


In Unit 2, your student wrote down some things that they are stressing about and areas in their life that did not look like Jesus.

1. Ask your student how those things are going and if they were able to find someone to hold them accountable & challenge them in those areas.

2. Ask your student to think of a peaceful place that they enjoy. (Backyard, the Lake, their room, a park, beach, etc.) Challenge your student to schedule some time in that place this month to talk to God and journal about what their current situation is.

3. Find ways to support your student in this. Maybe you… go with him, pack her a lunch or buy a Starbucks on the way out the door, excuse him from chores that day, etc.

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